Summer care package

Summer care package – June

I put together a fun summer care package to kick off the newest season. This month’s box was a twist on summer snack favorites because hot dogs and ice cream treats really don’t fly well. The freezer pops (or Otter pops) are a super popular treat. They start off not frozen, and they come in boxes that pack really well. Most stores have good deals on them throughout the summer, so I sent several boxes.

Summer care packagePreview magazines for college football also start appearing on the shelves in May and June, so I grabbed a few for this box. I filled the rest of the care package with other summery snacks like trail mix and peanuts.


What’s inside:

Beef jerky
Lemonade drink mix
White fudge pretzels
Freezer pops
Jellyfish cookies (marshmallow cookies covered in white fudge)
Banana cream pudding
Chocolate cupcake pudding
Trail mix
College football preview magazines

Check out my other care packages from Mac’s last deployment: Valentine’s Day – February  |  Pizza – March  |  Birthday – March  |  Easter – April  |  Tacos – May  |  Football – August  |  100 day countdown – September  |  Our next duty station – October