Birthday care package – March
Mac’s birthday was also our first date, so we celebrate our dating anniversary around the same time as his birthday (for the record, we actually started dating before we went on a date). I made him another care package for his birthday. I wound up shipping the cupcakes separately in a medium flat rate box. To keep the cupcakes fresh, I put them in a plastic container then wrapped that in Press’n’Seal wrap. I included a tub of frosting and a knife separately.
What’s inside:
– Birthday cake Oreos
– White Reese’s eggs
– Funfetti cupcakes with chocolate icing
– Confetti Pop-Tarts
– Let Me Be Frank, Frank Beamer’s autobiography
– White chocolate M&Ms and Starburst jelly beans
Check out my other care packages from Mac’s last deployment: Valentine’s Day – February | Pizza – March | Easter – April | Tacos – May | Summer – June | Football – August | 100 day countdown – September | Our next duty station – October