21 Day Fix breakfast ideas

I am not the most adventurous of breakfast eaters, and I get stuck in breakfast ruts a lot. Besides bacon and the occasional sausage, I don’t eat a lot of meat in the morning. To get my protein, I would rather eat a container of yogurt than steak. I have been eating whole-wheat bread because it makes more meals, but you can swap whole-wheat English muffins, waffles, bagels, or pancakes. I also try to get a mix of fruits or veggies at the start of day to cross off some of my containers. Here are some of my go-to 21 Day Fix breakfast ideas. All of them are pretty quick and easy.
Quick and easy
Oatmeal or cereal with fruit and yogurt: 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 purple
If I’m eating cold cereal, I tend to stick with Cheerios or other cereals that I can snack on dry. I stir the yogurt into the cooked oatmeal to cool it off and give it a nice, creamy taste.
Oatmeal yogurt fruit smoothie: 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 red
Measure out a container of your favorite smoothie fruits in the purple container. I tend to use berries, cherries, peaches, and bananas. Dump the fruit, a container of yogurt, and a container of oatmeal in a blender and mix thoroughly. You can also add water or ice to reach your preferred smoothie consistency.
Cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit and toast: 1 red, 1 purple, 1-2 yellow
You can stir the fruit into the cottage cheese or yogurt or serve it on the side. Add in a slice or two of toast to round of your breakfast. This is great option if you’re eating breakfast on the go or at work.

Some assembly required
Veggie omelet with salsa and toast: 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 spoon
Heat your skillet with a spoon of your preferred oil. Measure out a green container of your favorite veggies. I prefer bell peppers and onions in omelettes. Saute your veggies in the oil until cooked. Scramble an egg and pour it over the veggies then cook until set. Serve with salsa and a slice of toast.
Breakfast sandwich (bread, eggs, turkey bacon, cheese): 2 yellow, 2 red, 1 blue
I recommend using multi-grain English muffins or the slim sandwich thins. I like to lightly toast them they layer cheese, breakfast meat, and eggs. You can find a few pans or rings that cook eggs in the size of a breakfast sandwich.
What are your favorite 21 Day Fix breakfast options?
More 21 Day Fix tips and tricks: 21 Day Fix meal prep | 21 Day Fix breakfasts | 21 Day Fix lunches | 21 Day Fix snacks | 21 Day Fix dinners | Mostly 21 Day Fix meals