I love when inspiration strikes and gives me a great blog post idea. I also tend to start a post, finish it when I can flesh it out, and schedule it to post later. Several times, I’ve seen a post on another blog with the same topic I just posted or was planning to post….
How to win friends and influence people: Star Wars edition
My personal memories of Star Wars stem from a Minot party back in the day. At the party, Episode 6 was on, I watched it, and I was hooked. Since you were wondering, a Minot party is a gathering hosted and attended by Air Force folks who lived in Minot, North Dakota. Can’t say we’re…
Lil Troops giveaway
I was recently contacted by a company called Party Animals to review their Lil Troops figurines. I received two samples in exchange for an honest review. The Lil Troops Series 1 features five troopers: the Desert Trooper, the Infantryman, the Rescue Pilot, the Recon Scout, and the Urban Trooper. I received the Infantryman and the Rescue Pilot….
Confessions of a professional military dependent
Having spent my life as a military dependent (Air Force brat then Army wife and an Air Force grand-brat for good measure), the military life is pretty much all I know. 1. Every single BX and PX smell the same. It’s that Anthony’s Pizza and Robin Hood Sandwiches. 2. Commissaries aren’t as cool as adults….
Burger birthday
A year ago today, Mac and I took a break from unpacking our apartment in Georgia to grab lunch. We went to a shopping center in Evans that happened to have a PetCo, so we stopped in to see if they had any animals. An hour or so later, we walked out carrying this little…
Sunday Social: more favorites
1. What’s your favorite scary movie?I’m a huge scaredy cat and don’t watch scary movies. 2. What is your favorite weird TV show you think no one else watches?I have a weak spot for TLC shows. Extreme Couponing, 19 Kids and Counting, Sister Wives. But I don’t watch Honey Boo Boo or the Amish…