1. I had a major allergy attack last week, so I’ve been exhausted. But I continue to forget to take my allergy medicine. 2. Purrburger is on the mend. I’ve discovered that I can mix her cherry-flavored syrup with wet food and some cat food broth (a random sample we found in a thing of…
life lately
That time I got a new job
And forgot to post about it. A few months back, I posted about finding a new direction in my life and career. I applied and was accepted into a Masters program in Student Affairs. While the decision process was going on at the university end, I was still applying for jobs in town. I was…
Summer seasonal depression
After a month of blog prompts, I have graciously decided to update you with the goings-on in my neck of the woods. It’s been raining here for pretty much a month, and we’re way beyond our normal rain amounts for the year. We got more rain in May than we normally get all summer. I…
The vicious cycle of naps
I’m in one of those ruts where I haven’t been sleeping well. One night, I can’t fall asleep but wake up at my normal time which spirals into the better part of a week spent like a zombie. The downside of being tired is that you fall asleep easily when you don’t want to sleep…
Life lately
I rewatched seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones, meaning I watched as many hours of TV in a week as people work. The Rains of Castamere is on repeat in my head. I replaced the screen protector on my phone with a tempered glass one. It is glorious, and everyone should buy one today. I’ve been…
April currently
Wearing: A t-shirt and yoga pants, so my normal everyday gear. Sipping: Black cherry Propel. Wishlisting: Our home improvement list. We talked about expanding our deck, and the estimates just for the deck came in around $10,000. Time to win the lottery. Writing: This blog post? Working on a few more. I need to start…