life lately

  • More life lately

    But really, all of my blog posts these days (slash my second post of the month) are life updates. #gradschoolproblems Part of my absence was caused by me catching pneumonitis. It’s a lung issue similar to pneumonia. These days, I just have to laugh at the weird things my immune system manages to catch. I…

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  • Summer living

    After 24 hours and no response from Bluehost, my blog is back up! All the praise hand emojis!!! Life (well, work life) has finally slowed down, and I can breathe. The downside of that is that I’m now very bored because our office is just so quiet and I’m the only student employee around. Over…

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  • A work week in the life…

    I’ve seen a lot of “day in the life” posts lately and decided to jump in. I go to a morning Pure Barre class if I’m feeling ambitious (which is less than I’d like). Because of the nature of my job, I don’t work the same schedule each day but do work the same schedule…

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  • I can sleep when I graduate

    Things have been very tiring around these parts lately. Between the evil that is Daylight Savings Time and a spring allergy sucker punch, I’m dragging. Spring break is only 26 hours of work and one day of class away. Hallelujah. I was talking to another woman in my cohort about how much we have to…

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  • This weekend I…

    Went to class Finished 12 loads of laundry Stayed up until literally midnight to finish the first batch of said laundry Did the dishes (which is more of a chore than it sounds) Managed to screw the lid back on the Dr. Pepper too tightly while home alone Deep cleaned the kitchen Squeezed in a…

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  • Life and weekend updates

    1. The past two weeks were crazy hectic. In addition to work and class, I had a parade last Saturday and then an event on Saturday night. Now, we’re on the downhill side to Christmas break. 2. We finally put up our Christmas tree. Purrburger is a fan. 3. I have one final, and then…

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