Summer living

After 24 hours and no response from Bluehost, my blog is back up! All the praise hand emojis!!!

Life (well, work life) has finally slowed down, and I can breathe. The downside of that is that I’m now very bored because our office is just so quiet and I’m the only student employee around.


  1. Over Memorial Day weekend, we went to Territory Days in Old Colorado City, visited a winery in Canon City, and checked out a wild animal sanctuary in northeast Colorado. We also managed to drink an entire bottle of concentrated sangria mix without seeing the word “DILUTE” in giant letters across the back of the bottle.
  2. I’m setting up a bullet journal and will be sharing my thoughts later this week.
  3. I’ll be updating some pages and posts on the blog in the next few weeks, so you might see some new things.
  4. Alpha Gam’s Founders’ Day was Monday! I’m thankful for 112 years of sisterhood with an amazing group of women.
  5. One of these days, I’m going to get caught up on reading blogs.
  6. We had a really bad hail storm and wound up with almost an inch on the ground.
  7. Mac finally got the kitteh babies to snuggle with him at the same time. He was very happy.
  8. I went to Virginia two weeks ago for a sister’s wedding. United had Stroopwafels on my flights home (the perk of leaving at 5:45 am). They are basically the most delicious thing ever. A family at my church owns a Dutch bakery, and I may have to check and see if they sell them.

How are your summers going?