So I haven’t blogged in a hot second. We finally moved in to the new building at work and are completely up and running. We wound up not having Internet in our offices for about a month. My coworker and I split days in the office and teleworking to make sure that we both got…
life lately
Fall update
Well, it’s been a month since I last blogged. That was unintentional. I’m trying to finish off these Europe trip posts, but they take a chunk of time to upload and edit photos. They also kill my motivation to blog… My new job is going well. We’re supposed to be moving to a new building,…
I got a job, and Mac got a kidney stone
Apologies for the hiatus in my Euro-trip updates. I was staying in a hotel for work training, and my computer decided to stop recognizing the hotel internet. But here’s a life update before we get back to Europe! Back in June, I was scrolling through the MWR guide for Fort Gordon. I noticed an education…
Life currently…
Currently, I am… Cooking everything. I haven’t cooked dinner regularly since 2013 (Mac was deployed in 2014. I was in grad school and Mac was constantly gone in 2015 and 2016), so I’m getting back in the habit of meal planning and prepping. Baking all sorts of stuff. I’m dusting the cobwebs off my many…
The empty house life
We signed for our house this past Thursday and finally unloaded our cars. It’s nice to be able to drive around without a car full of stuff. Remember when I talked about our weird timeline with selling our house in Colorado and our move-in date in Georgia? Yeah. A combo of regular summer moves, the…
Hair donation #6
Soooo. This happened in October. Oops. As I’ve mentioned before, my hair grows pretty quickly. I’m very lazy and don’t really care to maintain my hair with regular cuts, so I grow it out and donate it. I’m averaging donating every two years, and this was my sixth donation in ten years. Back in October,…