Summer seasonal depression

After a month of blog prompts, I have graciously decided to update you with the goings-on in my neck of the woods. It’s been raining here for pretty much a month, and we’re way beyond our normal rain amounts for the year. We got more rain in May than we normally get all summer. I really can’t complain about rain in Colorado because it reduces the risk of wildfires and water rationing. I’m sure most of y’all have heard of seasonal depression, especially in the dark, dreary days of winter. But I kid you not, a report on the local news last week was talking about how to combat seasonal depression with the constant rain.

May rain

I won’t lie, I’ve been stuck in the doldrums since April. As much as I love Colorado, I haven’t spent much time with Mac since we moved here. He’s been on unit lockdown (for a missing piece of equipment), on TDY, and out to the field several times. No hubby + constant rain = a very boring May.

My phone has decided to do its own thing. I have an iPhone 5c that’s about a year and a half old. Lately, its new trick is to not connect to any Internet. The battery is also on the fritz and can drop like 5% after opening an app.

One perk of starting a new job is regular human contact. As much as I love Purrburger, she isn’t the greatest conversationalist (and people really look at you funny when you mention said conversations with the cat). And we don’t talk at Pure Barre as much as I curse under my breath about why I spend money to have people torture my thighs and butt.

I ordered new blinds for the house back in February, and Penney’s really dropped the ball. One size (of which I needed three blinds) was apparently out of stock. I never received an update or shipping information. We finally put up the last few we had, and I realized I ordered the wrong size for a window. I then reordered the missing blinds with the other one and received them within a week. I called Penney’s customer service to cancel the old order, and they told me that they had already cancelled it. Again, I heard nothing. Considering how much money we spent, you think the customer service would be better.