
  • 21 Day Fix snacks

    Snacks are an easy way to get all of your daily containers, especially the protein and veggies. They’re also a great way to balance when you eat if you’re like me a more a grazer than a full meal eater. I try to eat a morning snack and an afternoon snack. I like to prep…

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  • Birth day

    Two of my favorite people are celebrating their birthdays! A special happy birthday to my father and to my best friend. I love y’all both, and sadly I can’t repeat last year’s feat of celebrating with both of you in two different states. And after digging through all of our wedding photos, I could not find…

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  • A welcoming guest room

    Even though we won’t have visitors for months, we decided to finish off our guest room. I’m embracing my inner Martha Stewart and trying to make the guest room a bit more homey. Nice linens Back in the day, we splurged and bought ourselves 600 thread count sheets. Now, I’m totally spoiled and really enjoy…

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  • Lasagna rolls

    The first meal I made for Mac when we started dating in 2009 was lasagna. It wasn’t my finest cooking experience. I decided to bake the whole package of lasagna in a loaf pan, and it took about two hours to cook. Flash forward to 2010. We had just moved in together and were adulting…

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  • 21 Day Fix lunch ideas

    And I’m back with a bunch of 21 Day Fix lunch ideas. I’m trying to avoid the salad rut, so I’ve been experimenting with some new lunch ideas. You’ll see that my go-to veggies are bell peppers and onions. I prep them and freeze them until needed. You can swap in your preferred veggies or…

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  • Corralling the Army clutter

    One major side effect of Army (and military) life is that your home soon resembles an Army surplus store. From uniforms to PT gear to issued equipment, our service men and women just have a lot of crap. Over the years, we’ve learned through trial and error how to corral all of Mac’s Army gear. 1….

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