
  • I done chopped off all my hair

    If you follow me on Instagram (if you don’t, you should), you might have noticed something different. Thursday, I went and done chopped off my hair. In all, I cut about 12 inches off and then had bangs and layers styled, too. I like the style, but it does take some readjusting to having short hair again. I…

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  • Who needs kids when you have a cat?

    This cat is a never-ending source of activity. Her monthly date at the groomer’s dawned, so I retrieved her kennel from the basement. She saw it and quickly wandered away. Normally, I set it out early, so she doesn’t run away and hide right when we need to leave. Ten minutes or so before we…

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  • Waiting on orders, again

    The issue with a one-year assignment is the very quick need to move again. Mac turned in his job wish list back in June, and we’re still waiting to hear news about his next duty station. HRC (the Army’s HR branch) functions differently than the rest of the Army. Mac’s particular HRC has experienced a…

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  • Midtour leave: reality vs. expectations

    Midtour leave is a beautiful and rare thing these days. Service members have to have a tour of at least 9 months to even qualify for two weeks off. Mac chose to take his leaves more than halfway into his tours to minimize the amount of time he has to spend back in Afghan-land. Expectation:…

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  • I miss you the most on Sunday mornings

    Everyday during a deployment has its ups and downs. Some days are a struggle to get through, some days fly by. But Sunday mornings are the loneliest. In the years we’ve been physically together, weekends are spent sleeping in, running errands, and just enjoying each other’s company. We’d finish off a weekend at church, at…

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