A few weeks ago, I posted about the perks of working at Ann Taylor and using my killer discount to improve my wardrobe. Ann Taylor is known as a “working woman’s store,” so I help a lot of ladies look for those professional pieces. Today, I’m going to share my tips on building a professional…
Sassy sausage dip
Junior League had a membership open house over the weekend, so I volunteered to make this sassy sausage dip from our League cookbook. It’s a great tailgating dip and would be great for cold weather games. I paired it with corn and blue corn tortilla chips. Feel free to serve this dip with any of…
We won
In case you spent this past weekend under a rock and not glued to your TV like me, Virginia Tech beat Ohio State in the Horseshoe. OSU was ranked 8th, and we were expected to be defeated soundly. But Frank rallied the troops, and we never were behind. This was an amazing win for my…
The journey to WordPress
I’ve been here at my new site for a few weeks and have been smoothing out the wrinkles in this transition. So far, I’m loving WordPress and am glad that I made the switch. My decision to leave Blogger was two-pronged. First, my computer was experiencing a lot of technical difficulties with Blogger. Secondly, I…
Recent Reads – September 2014
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) – Mindy Kaling I recently read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling. I’ve never really watched The Office, but I do enjoy The Mindy Project. My sister, Manisha, somehow introduced me to Mindy’s blog, and I love her writing and…
My early birthday present
One major perk of being the only daughter-in-law is my monopoly on the in-laws’ affections. Granted, they do actually like me, but I’m their only viable route for grandkids. Accordingly, my birthday presents have improved as time has passed. My first birthday present was a wallet which upgraded to a gift card then this year’s…