But first, let me (not) take a selfie
These days, selfies are a big thing. Pretty much everyone everywhere has hopped on the selfie bandwagon. And let’s not even mention the song. Yes, I do take photos of myself and of other people and me. But I am not a regular selfie taker, and here’s why.
1. I have a knack for always taking selfies where I have five chins. I have not mastered the one chin face pose.
2. I rarely do anything exciting enough to warrant a selfie. Example: I watched SEVEN episodes of Supernatural yesterday. That’s just sad.
3. Where I live isn’t too photogenic. #sittingintrafficonthebeltway isn’t a cool hashtag.
4. My post-workout look involves splotchy skin and redness. That’s not something that needs to find its way onto the Interwebs.
5. I know what I look like. If you don’t, feel free to look at my sidebar.
6. I suck at taking phone pictures of myself. It took at least three good tries for this gem here.
7. Please notice the general chaos that is behind me. More selfies = more cleaning = not happening.
8. The word selfie makes my skin crawl. How did this become the acceptable slang term for taking pictures of yourself?
Do y’all take selfies?