[muhl-i-guh n] noun
1. Also called mulligan stew. a stew containing meat, vegetables, etc., especially one made of any available ingredients. [Totally irrelevant but interesting enough to leave]
2. Golf. a shot not counted against the score, permitted in unofficial play to a player whose previous shot was poor.
Another Wednesday, another Ideal Protein weigh in. We’ll chalk up the return of all the pounds I’ve lost to Christmas cookies and my general lack of self-control.
This week, I’m resetting and getting back on track. It’s pretty easy considering we’ve eaten all the junk food in the house. Just need to hit up the grocery store. Apparently, zucchini and cucumbers get really squishy as they go bad. Yuck.
Foods for the week: omelette du fromage!!!! (name that show), vegetable chili, vanilla protein shake
*All photos are from Pinterest