married life

  • Being a Missus

    The other night, I was on Alpha Gam’s website looking for some stuff. I then clicked on my profile to make sure all of my information was correct, and I saw this.  I updated my prefix preference to “Mrs.” when I changed my name months (years?) ago. As strange as it sounds, seeing my…

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  • Jalepenos and olives

    I made brownies the other night, and Mac began his normal tendency of eating them. But he doesn’t eat them in just any fashion. Mac prefers the crusty outside brownies, so he will eat the corners first then the rest of the outside. I enjoy the chewy, crust-less brownies. It’s quite a convenient arrangement. …

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  • Eating, rarely drinking, and being married

    I see it all the time: the wife gushing about how sweet her husband is on her blog. The husband cutely telling his wife how much he loves her on Facebook, even if they’re sitting next to each other on the couch at home. In our lives, we have to wade through what we see…

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  • Life unplugged

    Ever notice how people these days are glued to their technology? Maybe it’s the woman checking a text while out on a date. Maybe it’s the kid plastered to an iPad sitting next to their parents in a waiting room. Do we ever take time to unplug? Case in point: at a New Years Eve…

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  • Avoiding the “I don’t care”

    I think it’s really important to continue to date even if you’re engaged or married to avoid falling into a routine. But how many of y’all ask your beloved where you want to go out for date night and get “I don’t care” as a response? I found this idea on Pinterest and decided to…

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  • Army wife: job or lifestyle?

    I, like many of y’all, have an account on LinkedIn. I was looking through the profiles of several women I know from the Junior League of Fayetteville and came across one woman. She is a fellow Army wife and has not been employed since moving to Fayetteville. She has her volunteer experience listed as work…

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