Today is our third wedding anniversary and the second in a row we’ve spent apart. The traditional gift for your third anniversary is leather, so I bought Mac a new wallet and a new belt. Since he isn’t home, we will just have to celebrate when he’s back. Happy anniversary, Babe. I love you.
Recent sewing projects
My mom taught me to sew way back in middle school, and I’m trying to keep up and improve my skills. My first project here was a fleece blanket. I bought the fabric way back in 2013 from Joann’s. I accidentally sewed the right sides on the inside and managed to break a needle on…
1. I hope every one is celebrating National Donut Day! 2. Yesterday was apparently National Hug Your Cat Day. Purrburger was not a willing participant. 3. Maybe if I invested in this super sweet hoodie, she would be more interested. Ohh, the things you find on the Internet. 4. I have a completely irrational fear…
Maxi obsession
First off, I would like to wish my wonderful mother a very a happy birthday! As usual, I am behind the times jumping onto a trendy bandwagon. When maxi dresses and skirts burst onto the scene, I wasn’t really buying them. Sometime last year, I finally bought a maxi skirt and discovered that they are…
That time I got a new job
And forgot to post about it. A few months back, I posted about finding a new direction in my life and career. I applied and was accepted into a Masters program in Student Affairs. While the decision process was going on at the university end, I was still applying for jobs in town. I was…
Summer seasonal depression
After a month of blog prompts, I have graciously decided to update you with the goings-on in my neck of the woods. It’s been raining here for pretty much a month, and we’re way beyond our normal rain amounts for the year. We got more rain in May than we normally get all summer. I…