Life Lately – June 2020
Happy June! We’re at the halfway point of the year and to the official start of summer. According to my phone, we haven’t done a whole lot lately. But here’s what we have been up to.

- The events of the past few weeks have been weighing on me. I generally avoid political or controversial topics on my blog. This is an outlet for me to be creative and participate in a great community. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say anything. As great a place as America is, we still have a lot of work to do. I just hope that we can make positive change. Now is a great time to educate ourselves and get involved to make that impact on our communities and country.
- In move-related news, we bought a house! Our plans to live on post went out the window when we found out that the housing wait list was a year long (and this was before the pandemic changed when people moved). We had an idea of where we wanted to be and what we wanted in a house from our house hunting trip in March. After stalking MLS and Zillow, we found a house and put in an offer sight-unseen. We closed at the end of May, and I flew down to El Paso for the final walk-through and closing. (And I upgraded my rental car to a Jeep for $10. You know, the important details of that trip.) Overall, I’m happy with the house, and I’ll be sharing a bit of it once we move. Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see more!
- We celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Since we’re in full clean-out-the-fridge mode, we had a low-key celebration of dinner at home. And it’s totally normal to have spent four of your eight anniversaries moving, right?
- Mac is graduating from CGSC today! Obviously, the big graduation ceremony isn’t happening. He picked up his course certificate and master’s degree diploma yesterday. While a year of fairly regular working hours was nice, he’s ready to get back into the real Army.
- It’s hard to believe that our year(ish) in Kansas is coming to an end. We knew that it would go by quickly, and it has. Sadly, the stay-at-home orders prevented us from doing a few trips that we had planned. So we may find ourselves back in Kansas City at some point to soak in those things we missed. I can’t say that CGSC was the greatest year of our lives like so many people promised, but we have enjoyed our time at Fort Leavenworth.
How’s the first half of 2020 treated y’all?