Life lately – December 2018
Happy December, friends! It’s hard to believe that we’re already a week into the last month of the year.

- I’m an aunt again! My sister, Leslie, and her husband welcomed their first child last night, a daughter named Claire. Mac and I are already pronouncing Claire just like Jamie in Outlander. She joins my nephew and his baby brother who should be arriving in February.
- We spent two of the past weekends in Blacksburg. We closed on our new house during the first one and spent the second tidying things up to get the house ready to rent. We installed blinds, cleaned everything, and bought a washer and dryer. And we forgot how expensive owning a house can be. Hopefully, the house rents soon, and then we can worry about that a little less. And we’re hanging out at home until we leave for our Christmas travels to recover from all of the driving.
- We also had a great Thanksgiving weekend in Blacksburg. Thanksgiving is a tricky holiday when you don’t live that close to family because the actual holiday is a Thursday. Virginia Tech played UVA on Black Friday, so we went for the weekend. We took a few works breaks and enjoyed (almost died from the stress) of our 15th consecutive wins over the Hoos then watched the men’s basketball team win on Saturday.
- I’m closing in on one of my blogging goals for the year! Please follow me on Instagram to help me hit 500 followers by the end of 2018. I’ll take this opportunity to shamelessly plug all of my social media (you can find me on Facebook and Twitter).
- I got the crazy idea in my head to reshoot all of the Twelve Days of Christmas Cookies link-up Lindsay from Typically Late and I hosted several years ago. Luckily, Mac’s battalion Christmas party was this week, so we didn’t have to take on the burden of eating a dozen different kinds of cookies. But I have eaten approximately all of the carbs this week, and I am feeling it. I think we’ll be doing a hard keto reset after the new year.
What’s new with y’all? Any plans before Christmas?