Sunday Social: 5

1. 5 songs you’ll listen to the rest of your life
“Crash” by Dave Matthews Band, “Half of My Heart” by John Mayer, “Things People Say” by Lady Antebellum, “Crazy for You” by New Found Glory, and “Rose” from Titanic
2. 5 things on your bucket list
Read the Bible, visit all 50 states (still at 47), run a half-marathon, photograph a sunrise and sunset, save at least $5000 a year
3. 5 celebs you’d love to hang out with for a day
Gerard Butler, Jennifer Garner, Blake Shelton, Kate Winslet, and Mindy Kaling
4. 5 things you always carry in your purse
Cherry Softlips, my phone, my wallet, antacids, and keys
5. 5 books on your reading list
Well, my reading list is really long. I have bought at least 10 books since I moved to Virginia.
6. Share the last 5 pictures on your phone
L to R: A sample machine at Sam’s and the free fruit snacks it was giving out. A screenshot of my last week of marathon training. My final long run. A movie that seemed right up Mac’s alley.