When you forget where you live: hurricane edition

We’re prepping for hurricane #2 in just over a year here in Augusta. I filled up my tank and grabbed groceries for next week, so I won’t have to run errands during the storm. I’ve spent about half of my life in the South aka where hurricanes hit. My first hurricane experiences came when we lived in Alabama. We had a hurricane or two hit back when we lived in Fayetteville (Irene was the biggest one), so I’m used to the forecast tracking, supply buying, and generally heightened level of awareness. But I’ve also forgotten where I lived and worried about storms that were nowhere near us.

A fun fact about military life is that you move a lot. I may have mentioned that before. You also may forget where you live at that exact moment. When I catch the news with a national forecast, I have to think about where I currently live to make sure I look at the right part of the map. During last hurricane season when Irma was heading for us, I found myself checking out the forecast in Georgia and North Carolina (as if we still lived at Fort Bragg).

Back when Hurricane Matthew hit, we lived in Colorado, on the list of states unlikely to experience a hurricane. But I still checked the forecast to see the impact on places we used to live. I had to remind myself that we lived in Colorado and not in North Carolina or Georgia and that I didn’t need to worry about Hurricane Matthew hitting us. Military life gives you the chance to live lots of places, even if you can’t always remember where exactly those places are.

Have you ever forgotten where you live?