Life as a grandcat
It’s Purrburger here today. I’m hijacking Mommy’s blog, so I can share my adventures in our new house. These days, life is pretty good. I miss Daddy, but I have two new humans to cater to my every whim. And they’re much more willing to feed me than Mommy.
5:30 am. Time for my morning warm-up. I prefer to wander upstairs and meow. Loudly.
6:30 am. Breakfast. Finally. I’m starving here, people.
7:30-8:00 am. Time for second breakfast. Grandpa’s a softy. I’ll go harass him.
8:30 am. Still waiting on second breakfast. Where’s Mom?
8:45 am. Well, the bowl’s empty. Time to go eat grass.
9:00 am. Naptime. Today, I’m napping in the office, so I can look out the window and enjoy the breezes.
11:00 am. First attempt for lunch.
11:15 am. No success. I just might die of hunger.
1:00 pm. Lunch. Sweet manna from heaven!
1:15 – 4:00 pm. Afternoon naptime. How about the sunroom. It’s nice and warm out there.
4:00 – 6:00 pm. Begin vocal requests for dinner. Continue to starve.
7:00 pm. But really, why isn’t my dish full all day?
8:00 – 10:00 pm. Nap in my basket (yes, my mother-in-law bought the cat a basket to sleep in).
10:00 – 11:00 pm. Nap in Mommy’s room. Sit on computer when Daddy calls. Be sure to show him my butt.