H54F: Anniversary edition
Another Friday, another five things.
1. We celebrated our two year wedding anniversary on Monday. Mac sent me these beautiful roses, and my in-laws (not Mac) gave me another beautiful arrangement.
2. I had one of those dreams where something from the real world sneaks through. My alarm clock was going off in my dream, but I managed to sleep through my alarm in real life and miss Pure Barre.
3. We gathered up some stuff to donate to AMVETS. I added three huge bags, and my closet is still overflowing.
4. I finally found this shirt in stock for Mac. If you haven’t seen it already, watch Firefly!
5. My foot pain has not decreased, so I picked up a foot brace at CVS. I’ve worn it when I haven’t been at work and overnight the past two days. My foot tends to do okay until I have to work. So we shall see.
What are y’all doing this weekend? Anything exciting?