Coping with deployment

1. Discover a fabulous show (preferably British) on Netflix.

2. Watch every episode of every season of said show on Netflix.

3. Order additional seasons from Amazon of every season of said show if not on Netflix.

4. Continue binging on additional seasons of said show.

5. Loaf about without a life purpose when done watching said shows because these shows are preferably British and take approximately 10,000 years between seasons (or, as those tea-swilling loonies call them, series) or approximately 5,000 years to broadcast in the United States after debuting in England.

6. Have a major fangirl moment when the new premiere dates are announced.

7. Slip into a fangirl coma when your TWO FAVORITE SHOWS ARE GOING TO BE ON BACK TO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! asldkfjawoeirjasldfnasldfoiwejalnf

8. Purchase copious amounts of cheap wine in the name of helping your sister build up a supply of wine bottles for her wedding craft ideas.

9. Enjoy the three brief weeks when both shows are on at the same time whilst downing cheap wine in the name of helping your sister build up a supply of wine bottles for her wedding craft ideas.

10. Curse Steve Moffat for only making three episodes of Sherlock per season.

11. Pre-order new seasons from Amazon.

12. Watch over and over.

13. Lather, rinse, repeat.