Sunday Social: blogging history

1. What is the first blog you ever followed?
Not sure. Probably Stephanie at Share the Love or Jane at Poppiness.
2. What was your first blog post about?
My very first was a welcome post. My first topic was about wedding planning.
3. Who left you your first blog comment?
My very first GFC follower: Jess. It was on my first recipe post (chili).
4. Who was the first blogger you ever met in person?
Umm, I know several other bloggers because they’re my sorority sisters. I haven’t met any other bloggers in real life.
5. What was your first “blogging milestone?”
I don’t know which I should pick. I remember being excited when I got a single follower on GFC. I also recall how happy I was when I started averaging 100 page views a day. Now, I have 200+ followers on GFC and Bloglovin and have over 500 published posts.