Sunday Social: more favorites

1. What’s your favorite scary movie?
I’m a huge scaredy cat and don’t watch scary movies.
2. What is your favorite weird TV show you think no one else watches?
I have a weak spot for TLC shows. Extreme Couponing, 19 Kids and Counting, Sister Wives. But I don’t watch Honey Boo Boo or the Amish show. I do have a limit.
3. What is the song you can sing all the words to without any music?
Having been in choir for the better part of 15 years, I can sing pretty much any song I know without music. I tend to sing whatever song I last heard on the radio.
4. What is your favorite book to re read?
The Other Boleyn Girl. It’s by far my favorite historical fiction work.
5. The one website you visit more times a day than others?
Pinterest. I spend a shameful amount of time surfing.