Sunday Social: pet peeves

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve? People who don’t drive the speed limit. Oh, so you maintained a speed of 45 through a 55 zone and now into a 35 zone. Cool.
2. Biggest Blogging pet peeve? People who join blog hops and don’t look at any other blogs. You have to do some work to get more followers.
3. Biggest general pet peeve? I could write a book on my list of pet peeves. Examples: people who used words incorrectly like “irregardless” or “pacifically” instead of specifically. People who practice poor manners.
4. What is your most irrational fear? Well, I’m not really afraid of anything, but I have bizarrely intense dislikes. Some being komodo dragons and giraffe tongues.
5. 3 celebrities you’d want to have dinner with? Gerard Butler, Alison Weir, Laura Bush.