
  • New unit = new dress

    Mac started a new job in a new unit last month. Much to our surprise, the new unit already had a ball on the calendar two weeks after he showed up, and I realized that I’ve been wearing my current ball gown since 2012. I didn’t have enough time to find a new dress (slash…

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  • GoT Season 6 Finale

    Spoilers below. Seriously, don’t read this is you haven’t watched the season 6 finale. OMG. OMG. OMG. What even happened last night? I was tweeting like a maniac because SO MUCH WAS HAPPENING.  Here are some of my lingering thoughts. Major new library goals inspired by the Citadel. Cersei is cray cray. If Jaime killed…

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  • More life lately

    But really, all of my blog posts these days (slash my second post of the month) are life updates. #gradschoolproblems Part of my absence was caused by me catching pneumonitis. It’s a lung issue similar to pneumonia. These days, I just have to laugh at the weird things my immune system manages to catch. I…

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  • Summer living

    After 24 hours and no response from Bluehost, my blog is back up! All the praise hand emojis!!! Life (well, work life) has finally slowed down, and I can breathe. The downside of that is that I’m now very bored because our office is just so quiet and I’m the only student employee around. Over…

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  • The great Mac vs. PC debate

    As I’m looking at new computers, I find myself wading into the eternal turf war of electronics: Apple vs. Microsoft / everyone else. I’ve used PCs most of my life, and the majority of my Apple experience was at the private middle school I attended in Alabama. The campus was an early 2000s shrine to…

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