Have any of y’all ever not shaved your legs before going out in order to keep your self behaved? That plan once backfired for Robin Scherbatsky. Yes, I’m referencing a TV character. She didn’t want to take things too quickly with her date, so she didn’t shave. The date turned out to be a stud heart…
Binge-watching for rookies
One side effect of deployment is the need to fill lots of hours each week. Even though I’m working a fair amount (for my job), I still have plenty of time with nothing to do. I do read, but lately I’ve been on a Netflix binge. Lucky for you, I’ve created a quick start guide…
Step away from the pizza
Or, taking back control. I think most people reach a point in the lives where they feel completely out of control. For lots of us military wives, that lack of control normally connects to our husbands’ jobs. We can’t stop them from going to the field, on TDY, or deploying. Trust me, if we could, we would. I…
On your medical school graduation
Dear 17 year old Lisa, It’s that time. Graduation season 2014. Right now, you’re probably envisioning us (you, me?) walking across the stage at Johns Hopkins or as part of Virginia Tech’s first allopathic graduating class getting a diploma and a hood on your way to becoming a pediatric pulmonologist. Well, sit down…
Stretch marks, be gone!
One highly unfortunate side effect of weight gain is stretch marks. If I ever have kids, I’m pretty much doomed to more stretch marks. Mine are the ugly purple kind. So it was delightful when Mac pointed them out because he thought they were bruises. But have no fear! I happened across a balm to…
Happy Mother’s Day!
We take a break from our normal Sunday Social post to wish everyone a very happy mother’s day! My mom had quite a task dealing with me, and I like to think she did a good job raising me. If you can spend it with your mom, enjoy the day and let her know you…