
  • What happens in Vegas

    Will be photographed then recapped on the blog. And posted on Instagram. We’re less three weekends away from our trip to Vegas, and I’m conveniently ignoring that I have to run a half-marathon while I’m there. But I’m looking forward to exploring Sin City. Casinos. We’re staying somewhere on the Strip (the perks of your best friend’s…

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  • Guest room inspiration

    These days, I find myself wandering to the home décor section of Pinterest more and more. Our guest room is London themed, and I just need to find a few items to bring my vision to life. First, we need a real bed. The basic frame without a head and footboard isn’t my thing. I…

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  • Eating healthy while traveling

    Traveling is always a challenge to weight loss. I’ve traveled for work over the past two years, and I will confess that fast food or room service are just faster or easier when you’re on the go. As I’m in Florida for a week, I’m making more of an effort to stay on track (let’s…

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  • How I pack a carry on for week-long trips

    When I fly these days, I rarely check a bag. It’s partly to avoid paying a baggage fee, and it’s partly to make a quick exit as soon as I land. I’ve fine-tuned my packing process so that I can now pack a carry on for up to a week at a time. You can…

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  • H54F: sunshine and food safety

    1. I’m off to sunny Florida this weekend for a food safety and quality conference. The last time I went, this conference was in St. Louis in November. 2. I’m packing a bathing suit and sunscreen. It’s practically Halloween. 3. My original plan was to attend a two-day advanced SQF course before the conference started. That…

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  • Homeless vacation planning

    While we’re waiting for Mac’s deployment to end, I’ve been filling my time doing productive things like planning vacations. Some of these spots might be good long weekend trips (hello, the return of four day weekends). Yellowstone National Park. I’ve been, Mac hasn’t. But we would not be camping. Just searching for bison and bears….

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