Oooh, another Liebster Award
The lovely Pam at The Patriotic Pam also nominated me for a Liebster Award. I’m a bit behind with posting because of my work schedule.
The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. I found it hard to look at the number of followers given all the different ways we connect these days (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.) but I know you’ll like the blogs I have found to nominate.
Here are the rules:
1) Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
2) Choose eleven new bloggers to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
3) Create eleven new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4) Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5) Each blogger should post eleven random facts about themselves.
6) No Tag Backs!!!
My eleven random facts:
1. I am a second generation military brat, third generation military dependent. My grandfather and my father were Air Force officers.
2. Because of this, I was raised with a mutual hatred and deep respect for the Army and Navy (the Marines are just part of the Navy, after all). I’m only now warming up to the Army.
3. Growing up, I wanted to attend the College of William and Mary, partly because my family sat on the founding board and mostly to work in Colonial Williamsburg.
4. (I guess all of these are going to be two-part). If you’ve ever been to Colonial Williamsburg, you might have noticed that a lot of places reference the Page Family of Virginia. That’s my family, and my middle name is Page because of it. Any time Colonial Williamsburg is mentioned, I add this little gem.
5. I’m a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and have three separate family trees (two on my dad’s, at least one of my mom’s) that have patriot ancestors. Last my sister checked, we have around 10 family members who served in the American Revolution.
6. This is one of my favorite commercials. AMERICA.
7. Nothing makes me cry quite like an inspirational sports story. Do you believe in miracles?
8. Or homecomings of deployed soldiers. These make me ugly cry, y’all.
9. I now really wish Mac proposed to me at a Braves game.
11. If you couldn’t already tell, I really love the United States of America.
New Questions for Nominees [these are very similar to the one I did earlier this week, so I’m using the same answers. Sue me]:
{1} What made you start blogging?
Our wedding. I wanted a place to channel my creative energies and general wedding crazy bride brain. I also applied to blog for Weddingbee.
{2} Who do you admire most?
My parents. They’re pretty much the bomb.
{3} Favorite vacation?
Hmmm, I really enjoy road-tripping cross country with Mac. But I also like the beach.
{4} Your most admirable trait?
Physical or personality? I don’t know. Physical: my hair or eyes.
Personality: apparently, I’m very warm and friendly.
{5} Sweats or Dresses?
Depends on where I am. At home, yoga pants all the way (Airborne. I did not just do that). Out and about, I like wearing dresses. Largely because I don’t like wearing pants.
{6} Dogs or Cats?
Cats rule and dogs drool. Meet Kittie, my originally-named pride and joy who is celebrating her 18th birthday this summer. In my defense, I was 6 when I named her. She lives with my parents in PA.
{7} What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
Pretend we’re still in college, drink too much, and gossip.
{8} Grilling or Crockpot-ing?
Oooh, toughy. I enjoy the total neglect a Crock Pot requires, but I love grilling (I don’t actually do the cooking, just eating) because it means warm weather has arrived.
{9} Tell us your favorite Sports team?
Overall, the Atlanta Braves. I already bought tickets for Chipper Jones’ jersey retirement ceremony on June 28th. NFL – Denver Broncos. Some haters have claimed that I’m a bandwagon Broncos fan. Well, here’s a picture of me at age 7 to disprove that silly claim. College, clearly the Hokies. Mac and I went to Virginia Tech.
{10} How many states have you lived in?
Currently on 6: North Dakota, Colorado, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina.
Could reach 8 by the end of this year, could not if Mac drops a packet for a new job here.
{11} Since these are all military spouses, favorite thing you LOVE about being a milspouse?
Moving. It sounds crazy, and a lot of y’all probably think I’m crazy. I grew up a military brat, so I’m used to moving every few years. I love moving to a new place and having a fresh start.
My questions:
1. What is your ideal first date?
2. Tell me about your craziest dream that you can remember.
3. What magazines do you subscribe to?
4. What is your favorite breakfast food?
5. How often do you go to the movies?
6. Did you fill out a March Madness bracket?
7. Which social media outlet is your favorite?
8. What clothing trend are you following right now?
9. What was the last thing you cooked?
10. How frequently do you try projects from Pinterest?
11. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
I’m breaking the rules here and not nominating anyone. Most of the blogs I follow have over 200 followers, or I’ve already nominated them, or someone else nominated them recently. If you want to participate, feel free to answer the questions on your own blog!