4th wedding anniversary inspiration

Mac and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary last month. For the newer faces around here, we eloped in December then had a wedding the following June. We celebrate our December anniversary by going to Chili’s (where we went after the ceremony) and our June anniversary with the “traditional” gifts.

Year 4 is super confusing. In my research, I’ve seen flowers and fruit as the traditional gifts and linen or silk as the modern gifts. Honestly, the only thing I could think of for Mac in the traditional category is an Edible Arrangement. We finally got our reward for signing up for The Melting Pot’s reward program (free chocolate-covered strawberries), so I made a dinner reservation for the evening of our anniversary. I’m totally cheating and used the coupon for chocolate-covered strawberries as part of his gift.

Here are some other ideas I looked at for the other part. I found one, thought it was one of the readings from our wedding, looked at our program, and realized that it wasn’t. Oops?

4th Wedding Anniversary Linen gift print , 4 Years Together, fourth anniversary gift for husband wife, date days hours minutes - AN0204
From Brooklyn Burlap Art on Etsy


Anniversary Gift For Man 19th Anniversary Gift 4th Wedding Anniversary Gift 47th Wedding Anniversary Gift 32 Year Anniversary Gift Burlap
From Burlap Design Co on Etsy

I eventually decided on this one. Now to find a frame.

Also from Brooklyn Burlap Art

What gifts did y’all exchange for anniversary #4?