Sunday Social
What is your shopping weakness? Old Navy dresses. I own literally dozens.
What is your food weakness? Black olive pizza. Berry Berry Kix. Dr. Pepper.
What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on? Titanic. No shame. I generally turn it on several nights a week and fall asleep to it.
What is your go to breakfast food? Cereal or a blueberry bagel with honey nut cream cheese.
Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it? I do not drink coffee. The only hot beverage I drink is hot chocolate. I prefer Swiss Miss with marshmallows.
Next Week’s Questions:
Did you sleepwalk as a child?
Did you ever try to run away or sneak out of your house?
Did you have any imaginary friends?
Did you ever go toilet papering?
Did you ever sneak tv shows you weren’t allowed to watch?