Life Lately – March 2022

Spring is right around the corner, friends! We did have a dusting of snow last month, but we’ve now entered wind season here in El Paso. It means that winter (or the desert’s version of winter) is just about over.

  1. In exciting news, Mac got his orders! We are relocating to Northern Virginia this summer. It will be nice to be close to friends and family, and I won’t have to commute 2000 miles once a month for class. We’re hoping to schedule the big move pieces shortly and get the ball rolling.
  2. We’re approaching the halfway mark of spring semester. Spring break is on the horizon for both my job and school, even though I don’t have time off. I’m knee deep in reviewing literature and drafting a prospectus. This semester is a trial run for the prospectus we submit for our dissertation in the fall, so fingers crossed it goes well.
  3. Before we leave, we’re hoping to take another weekend trip or two. We had planned to explore Albuquerque over President’s Day, but I was feeling swamped. Instead, we met with a Realtor, got our taxes sorted and organized, and started our pre-move prep work. We also painted our front door and took care of a few other small house projects. I’m feel much better that we accomplished a chunk of things on the to-do list.
  4. And finally to our new flavors. M&M released honey graham for their spring / Easter flavor. They are similar to the normal Crispy M&M (my personal favorite). Definitely a good option, and I would vote that they keep it year round. Oreo released these special Birthday Oreos for their 110th anniversary. Fun fact: I won a round of trivia in college because I learned Oreos launched in 1912 in my product development class. They have a layer of chocolate cream and one of the birthday cake cream. Very tasty, and I would also vote to keep these.

What’s new with y’all?