Life Lately – September 2021
Welcome, friends! August went by a lot faster than July, and we’re now in the best month of the year.

- The past few weeks have brought a wide variety of emotions. I know lots of my friends in the military community have shared their thoughts after watching events in Afghanistan. Mac spent two years there, so we have our own opinions. CNN even profiled the Taliban at the FOB (base) where he spent his first deployment. It’s been disappointing and disheartening to watch. We have a group of refugees coming to Fort Bliss. If you’re interested in donating money or supplies to help them out, let me know. I will connect you with the info you need.
- And a turn back to my more regular life (I feel like the past two years have been full of these huge swings between large world events and our daily lives). My second semester has started. We’re taking one class a time for fall and spring, so I’m thinking and hoping that school and life will be a better balance. Fall travel season is also getting underway at work, and I’m ready to head out (to virtual fairs).
- This has also been a super soggy summer in El Paso. Summer brings the monsoon season when we get about 6 inches of the 9 inches of rain a year. We had a storm a few weeks ago where we got almost 6 inches of rain in a week. If you saw on Instagram, our yard and our street flooded. Aside from a damaged window, our house made it through. The storms also brought some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
- Now on to the goodies. The past six or eight weeks have been great for new flavors and things to try. We made a Sam’s Club run, and I grabbed both the Cinnamon Toast Crunch popcorn and the Cheesy Garlic Bread Lays. The popcorn was really solid. It was similar to a kettle corn and had just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar. The Cheesy Garlic Bread Lays were okay. I’m not a huge fan of cheesy chips (that aren’t cheddar and sour cream Ruffles). I think these would’ve been better if they were ruffly chips. We also found the smores doughnuts at Krispy Kreme. I got an email about them, and Mac grabbed a half dozen on his way home from the gym one morning. And dare I say these were too sweet? The flavor was good, but they were really sweet.
Do y’all have a Labor Day plans?