Sunday Social: blog

1. What is the name of your blog?
Sorority Life to Army Wife.
2. What do you love most about blogging?
Meeting new people. I’ve made a lot of friends that I have yet to meet through blogging. I enjoy reading what everyone is up to.
3. Why did you start blogging?
As a way to document our wedding and as an avenue to riches and fame.
4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world?
Don’t give up! Some people blast onto the blogging scene and seem to get 1000 new followers within a month. Most of us don’t.
5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had?
Leave comments on blogs you visit through link-ups. Even if it’s just to say that you’re a new follower. Some of those blogs might start to follow you back (I try to).
6. What are three blogs you love?
Adventures of Our Army Life. Jen is seriously one of the sweetest people I’ve never met in real life.
Munchkins and the Military. Alex is a fellow sorority girl turned Army wife.
The B’s. Amanda is another military wife and has the cutest babehs.