Life Lately – September 2020
Hello, friends! We’ve made it to my favorite month of the year.

- It’s my birthday month! I can’t say we’re doing anything terribly exciting for my birthday (or in general these days).
- I’m going to be a bit lighter on posting around here than normal. I finally invested in a food photography course, so I’m planning to try out what I’ve learned while testing out a batch of new recipes. Also, we’re having our kitchen floors redone, so I won’t be able to cook for a few days. But I’ll be back with some great new content before you know it!
- We’ve been trying new restaurants when we go out to eat, and we stumbled across Crave. They have fantastic brunch, and they give you a literal pitcher of mimosas.
- Summer is winding down around these parts, and I am ready for fall (or what fall looks like when it’s still 85 degrees). We were able to go up to White Sands over the weekend, and we stopped by an orchard on the way home. 30 pounds of apples later… I’m definitely going to be busy with some fall baking.
- And I’m happily bringing back the seasonal / new M&M and Oreo flavor reviews. These chocolate popcorn M&Ms were surprisingly delicious. They smelled like movie theater popcorn, but they didn’t have a strong butter flavor.
What’s new with y’all?