Treadmill – 1. Lisa – 0.
So I have greatttt day at the gym yesterday. I show up at 10, my trainer is running a bit over with his previous client, so I hop on the treadmill to warm up while they’re wrapping up. I plop my trusty Virginia Tech Tervis tumbler with lid and my keys on the dash and fire it up. I’m walking, I’m walking, I’m walking.
My Tervis isn’t quite as secure as I originally think. I see it swing to the left and tip over. My natural instinct is to reach out and grab it. While still walking on a moving treadmill. The lid pops off, and water splatters everywhere. At the same time, I’m scrambling and failing to keep my footing. My left foot stays on the track, but my right leg is now bumping along the track on its way out to a split. I manage to swat the emergency stop button and collect myself. One of the other trainers grabbed some paper towels and a mop to help me clean up. Aside from a minor case of treadmill burn, only my pride was wounded. Thankfully, the swelling has gone down a lot.