Hello from the Lone Star State!
And we’ve made it to Texas! Our drive to El Paso was pretty uneventful. We took a very scenic drive through southwestern Kansas and the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas. Two days and a thousand miles later, we arrived.

We met up with our Realtor to pick up our keys and then unloaded our cars. Mac hadn’t seen our house in person, so it was nice for him to explore everything. We’ve made a list of future house projects a mile long, managed to go to Lowe’s three days in a row, and are stuffing ourselves full of our favorite Texas foods. Our household goods should arrive this week, and then we’ll start getting the house in order. And I’m ready for a new home full of new adventures.
In other news, I’m still employed! Since the pandemic forced everyone to work remotely, I raised the idea of me transitioning to a fully remote position to my boss. He was on board because we’re in a hiring freeze. We’re officially giving this a 90-day trial, and I’m grateful for the chance to keep working in the middle of a move.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see more of our adventures!