Life Lately – December 2019
And we’ve arrived at the last month of the year and the decade. I don’t know why, but people seem to be talking about the end of 2010s more than the end of the 2000s. Or maybe it’s because I have Twitter now.

- My in-laws visited for about 10 days over Thanksgiving. We explored Kansas City some more and crossed a few exhibits and museums off of our list. I always get thrown off when Thanksgiving is as late as it was this year. You blink, and all of a sudden you’re a week into December.
- My fall travel season is officially complete! A quick overnight trip earlier this week wrapped up this semester. I tallied up my travel for the fall. I drove almost 3,000 miles, attended about 25 fairs, hosted another 25 students on-campus for visits, and held 6 events through our office in about 60 working days.
- Finals are already next week, so I’m looking forward to a short break from the hectic world of admissions. We’ll jump right back into things in January getting ready for the new semester. And I’ve already started planning my spring travel. Spring semester also brings spring break. Mac and I both have spring break this year (though they don’t line up). We’re thinking of taking a short trip. Any recommendations?
- Today is my niece’s first birthday! We’re heading to Pennsylvania in a few weeks, so we’ll celebrate with the family then. Christmas is another whirlwind season for us. A few years ago, we started doing a gift exchange with my side of the family. I really like it because we set a budget and we create a wish list of what we want. It makes shopping and prepping for Christmas much easier. We use
- Sadly, no new seasonal cookie or food flavors to report on this month. We did a big grocery shopping trip before Thanksgiving, so we actually skipped shopping this week. I will keep my eye out for new peppermint or other Christmas / winter seasonal treats the next time we go.
How are y’all doing? Getting ready for the craziness of this month?