Life Lately – November 2019

Y’all. Is anyone else in denial that we have two months left of this decade?
- Travel season has been winding down for me. I’ve traveled the entire time I’ve been in this position, but the big out-of-town trips and fairs are mostly over. Now we’re transitioning to lots of events on campus and more fairs in the local area. Any other Admissions friends counting down to Thanksgiving?
- This past month or so has honestly been rough. I started having a lot of tooth pain, so I scheduled a dentist appointment. That led to a filling, another root canal (#5 if you’re wondering), and a crown (#3 of those). On top of constant dental pain, I’ve been battling a crud. I’m not really sick enough to “be sick,” and I’m also not at 100%. I try not to complain too much, but I’m struggling through this. Hopefully, the crud will clear up quickly.
- But October and the start of November have been full of fun adventures. We explored Kansas City’s Oktoberfest (yes, I drank wine at an Oktoberfest), hit up a Grilled Cheese festival, ate our way through a Mac and Cheese festival, and traveled to Notre Dame for a Virginia Tech game. We’re trying to make the most of our time in the Kansas City area and all of the cool things this area has to offer.
- After spending two falls in Georgia, I was really excited for a more seasonal fall. October started off close to 90 degrees and ended with snow. We woke up to about two inches of snow on October 31, and we have more snow in the forecast this week. The leaves have been changing for several weeks, and I’ve loved seeing the oranges, red, and yellows across our area.
- And what monthly check-in would be complete without a food update? Mac and I tried the Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup and the Cheddar Bacon Mac and Cheese Lays this month. They’re both pretty tasty though I don’t know if they’re flavors I would buy on a regular basis. I also spotted a package of peppermint bark Oreos. They are positively delicious, and we may buy those a few more times this year.
What’s new with y’all?