10 years together
10 years ago, Mac and I started dating. We met about a week before that and had hung out a few times. We hadn’t actually gone on a proper date, but we decided to make things official. Our first date was a few days later on Mac’s 23rd birthday. Mac and I were talking this morning, and he mentioned that it doesn’t feel like it’s been ten years. He said it felt more like we were just getting started.

In the past ten years, we’ve moved five times as a couple (Mac moved two times before that), endured two year-long deployments, dealt with countless weeks and months of Army training, both finished grad school, and adopted two perfect kitties. We’re gearing up for another move this summer and a new adventure in a new home. While our life has been crazy and frustrating at times, I wouldn’t change what’s made us stronger as a couple. So happy ten years, babe. I love you, and thank you for loving me.