Cite Internationale in Paris

As I mentioned in my Oxford post, our trip to Europe was to learn more about international higher education. Our next institution visit was to Cite Internationale in Paris, a residential campus for foreign students living and studying in Paris. The concept is wholly unique and really cool. Essentially, a bunch of different countries sponsor houses on the campus to support the large population of non-French students at the many institutions across Paris. These students can be in a semester abroad program or can be completing an entire degree.

Some countries have an official government relationship while others are private. The official buildings are paid for and programming is conducted by the embassies. Even though countries have their own houses, Cite Internationale allows French residents to live there. They also limit the number of students from one country who can live in a house to focus on building a community and to introduce students to other cultures. The houses are spread out over a beautiful campus and feature a wide variety of architectural styles.

Each house reflects the heritage and culture of its sponsor country. Look for the blue on the Swedish house and the monkeys guarding the Cambodian house. The US, with a very large population, obviously has one of the larger houses on campus. The Rockefeller family gifted money for the first building. While the day was a bit gloomy, the trees and flowers were blooming. It was nice to see spring because Colorado doesn’t see spring quite this early.