That time I disappeared for a month…

Grad school. You take one class at a time and work part-time but never manage to have any free time.


  1. I’m blogging from my brand-new computer. I capitalized on a sale at Staples with their very nice trade-in program and bought a $900 for $450 before tax and warranty.
  2. I’m done with my practicum hours! I’m going to finish out the semester, but that graduation requirement is almost checked off.
  3. I managed to lose my wedding ring again. This time, I found it about three weeks later underneath the bench of our kitchen table.
  4. Mac and I took a weekend road trip over Veterans’ Day through southwest Colorado.
  5. The in-laws (parents and brother & sister) came to visit over Thanksgiving. It was a nice weekend, and we went to see The Nutcracker.
  6. I found this completely perfect hot chocolate mug.
  7. Y’all haven’t seen Purrburger and Bagel Bites in a while, so you’re welcome.

Hope everyone has a great week!