So this happened again…

Oops, we did it again.


It all started Friday afternoon. We were out running errands, and I wanted to stop at Sports Authority and get my Super Bowl shirts. On our way out of the parking lot, we drove past PetSmart and saw a van full of cats outside. I made the executive decision to stop, so we went inside and looked. We found several adorable kittehs and decided to stop by the next day when I was done with class. As I was leaving class, I called Mac to see if we were going to meet at PetSmart. He told me to that “we didn’t need to do that anymore.” I was kind of bummed because I thought he changed his mind. Before I left for class, Mac and I were in the basement talking about how we wanted to rearrange. He asked me to go down in the basement when I got home. To my surprise (in addition to finishing the move around), I walk into our bathroom to find a new cat in the litter box.

We have named him Clyde, aka Bagel Bites (get it, Bonnie and Clyde?). Thus far, Purrburger has not been a fan. We are adjusting to them being in the same home. Burger is a bit of a bully and has been keeping Bagel Bites pinned down. We’re experimenting with separating them when we aren’t at home or overnight then us acting as referees when we are home. Hopefully, they’ll warm up to each other, and we can be a happy family.

Do y’all have any advice about acclimating cats to each other?