The early bird and the night owl
Mac and I have settled into something of routine after about a month here in Colorado. As has been the case for our entire relationship, he’s an early-to-bed-early-to-rise sort of guy while I’m a bit more of a night owl.

When you have to be at PT between 5 and 6 am, going to bed at 9 pm makes total sense. But me? I can totally stay awake until 2 or 3 in the morning and be back up by 9 am. Or occasionally sleep until noon. Some couples might enjoy being on the same schedule, yet this works for us. Mac prefers to work out in the morning while I’m still sleeping, and I blog and aimlessly surf Pinterest after he goes to bed. We each get to do our own things and still sleep enough to be pleasant human beings.
Do you and your significant other sleep together or at different hours?