New unit jitters

Mac is back at work this week in his new unit and a new job as the signal officer for an infantry division. I’m nervous. Not about him because he’s wonderful and professional. We haven’t been with a traditional Army unit for close to two years, and making friends as adults is a lot more difficult than it was in my younger years. When we were at Bragg, I met my closest wife friends through my social butterfly of a brother-in-law. We bonded over our mutual Virginia experiences. I got along with the wives in Mac’s unit, but I wasn’t from Texas which put me at a great disadvantage with them (honestly, half the wives were from Texas). In Georgia, I wasn’t from Washington. Somehow, everyone we manage to meet is from the same state. With a new unit come a new FRG and a new wives’ club. Hopefully, both groups here are active, and I can make some great friends! I’ll be totally honest, I already have some ideas for fun coffee themes.

Are y’all involved in your family groups and wives’ clubs?