Sunday Social: Twitter

1. When did you join twitter?
Umm, last month. Follow me @Hokiearmywife.
2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow?
Megan over at Baseball Laces and Southern Graces. She and I like to tweet about Braves stuff.
3. Who is your favorite celeb to follow?
Do we consider athletes and coaches celebrities? If so, Shane Beamer.
4. Have you ever had a celeb respond to a tweet?
Yeah, haha. Shane Beamer, Antone Exum, and I had a conversation about Antone living with the Beamers while preparing for the draft.
Some schools “talk” about family.At VT, it’s real.This guy is living w me preparing 4 draft @iamswag1 #freebabysitter pic.twitter.com/1zRRQar0v5
— Shane Beamer (@CoachSBeamer) March 24, 2014
@CoachSBeamer @iamswag1 Are we adding an AntoneBeamer so @EddieRoyalWR doesn’t feel alone?
— Lisa C (@hokiearmywife) March 24, 2014
“@hokiearmywife: @CoachSBeamer @iamswag1 Are we adding an AntoneBeamer so @EddieRoyalWR doesn’t feel alone?”//NO!
— Shane Beamer (@CoachSBeamer) March 24, 2014
@CoachSBeamer @hokiearmywife @EddieRoyalWR: 1. Hahahathere’s an Eddie Beamer?
— AntoneExumJr. (@iamswag1) March 24, 2014
@iamswag1 @CoachSBeamer @EddieRoyalWR That was Eddie’s nickname. He lived with the Beamers after he had leg surgery.
— Lisa C (@hokiearmywife) March 24, 2014
@hokiearmywife @CoachSBeamer @EddieRoyalWR: 1. Ohhhhhhhokay yeah I heard about that.
— AntoneExumJr. (@iamswag1) March 24, 2014
5. What is your favorite store/brand to follow?
Pure Barre. I love seeing the quotes and tips. Full disclosure: the only non-bloggers I follow right now are sports teams, players, and coaches.
6. Give us three tweeps we should be following.
Alex @ Munchkins and the Military. Her late night tweets are hysterical.
Lisa @ Two Martinis.
Amanda @ The B’s.
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