Sunday Social: pet peeves

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve?
Everything. I have major road rage. Not using a turn signal, blocking an intersection, taking too long to change lanes, not driving the speed limit, not accelerating in a timely fashion. Everything.
2. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?
WHY AM I A NO-REPLY BLOGGER? All of my settings have my email linked.
3. What is your biggest shopping pet peeve?
I work retail, so I hate people.
4. What is your biggest general pet peeve?
I could write a book of pet peeves. Seeing that I’ve established my distaste for humanity in question 3, humanity never ceases to find ways to irritate me.
5. What is your most irrational fear?
Growing up, my most irrational fear was that I would attacked by a shark whilst swimming in a pool.