Countdown to Nashville: my packing list

My half-marathon is Saturday. Crazy. I’m starting to get my stuff ready. The forecast calls for a high of 82 with a chance for thunderstorms. Here’s what I’m packing for the race. I am also packing two going out outfits.

No, I don’t like purple. Why do you ask?

1. Athleta racerback dry-wick shirt
2. Gap yoga pants
3. Champion Max Support sports bra (everyone, buy one of these now)
4. Underwear (you don’t need to see which pair)
5. Brooks running shoes
6. Balega running socks
7. iPhone arm band
8. Koss ear buds
9. Jelly Belly sports beans
10. Polar heart rate monitor

Did I forget anything? What else do you pack for races?