I don’t have to love my body

I hate seeing promotions about weight loss that involve loving your body however it looks. I get that they’re trying to promote self-confidence and encouraging women to be healthy instead of skinny. But I have to disagree for a minute. Right now, I am neither skinny nor healthy. I’ve allowed my weight to get out of control, and I’m not happy with what I see in the mirror. Loving my body now won’t change what I see. Loving it won’t motivate me to change. It’s just like my yoga pants. Yoga pants don’t care if you get fat, they can stretch. I want to like what I see in the mirror. I want my clothes to fit without having to buy a larger size. So for the foreseeable future, I’m working to change my body. I’m not trying to comply with any societal notions of beauty, I just want to be happy with myself. And for me, that’s all the motivation I need.